Sunday, December 9, 2007

Men and Women of Praise

Yesterday, service was absolutely awesome. The praise and Worship was really great. But one thing that really got a tingle down my spine, was during worship. Not because of the worship in front was going on excellently well, but I was also surrounded by the hearts of men and women of great praise.

One really comes to mind is Felicia. When she sings, wahlau, it's as if there's a warmth in your spirit, a tingle down your spine. This Small cute girl who talks sounding abit like a croak. But when she sings, especially sing unto the Lord, there's like a spirit in her voice. A heart of passion, and a spirit of longiness for His Presence. She's one of the few like Pastor Sam Evans, where when they sing, you can tell its as if God's hearing. Like God stops everything in place, and just leans aside to hear he beloved daughter sing. Everytime she sings, you can just close your eyes, and imagine her, sitting alone by her bed-side with her guitar just hymning to God her heart, about how much He loves her, and how much she just loves him. I imagine the Bride of Christ, and Christ, just sitting together.

Men and women of praise carry a very special anointing. Very very special anointing. King David was definitely one. Champions of God are men of worship. Where the storms may arise and darkness covers the earth, they stand up against the greatest adversary and praise God for the confrontations before them. That they are given the opportunity to be more than conquerers, to step before the giant and say "You who defile the Armies of the one and true living God, No More! Not on my watch! I'll take your head Giant!".

I don't study the book of Psalms. I know Felicia loves it, it's like her favorite book, same goes to some others like Bea, and Ai Ling. Maybe I should go through it someday. hehe. Don't know. :P

Actually I'm greatly blessed to have great men and women of worship surrounding me. As My boss Daniel Koh is also a champion of worship!