Wednesday, August 29, 2007


Have you taken a step back, think a while, and asked yourself. Where is home? Or where is home now?

I've been in Melbourne for the past 1 year now. 1 year, 1 month to be more accurate. I've lived in Malaysia a good 21 years. At the same time, Petaling Jaya feels like home, Melbourne is feeling like home.

I have this feeling of eventuality. It's somewhat in the mind of my family members, and also its kinda stuck on to me. My parents want to retire here, going back and forth to Malaysia and Melbourne. My sister is here for good. My brother and sister in law wants to raise their family in Melbourne, and eventually will be here.

John Wee? I love it here in Melbourne. Seriously I love it. I love the weather, I love the easy-going lifestyle. I love my friends. And one of the biggest pull, is I love Planetshakers. I think if it weren't for Planetshakers, I'll be more 50-50. But since Planetshakers, I seriously feel the calling to stay in Melbourne.

I'm already having dreams where I wake-up in Melbourne walking through its great gardens with flowers in my hands and a soft hand in the other, the smell of cheese, bread and other unknown untasted food in the deli as you walk through Victoria Market, the fresh cool air and wind as I walk by the Yarra River, the lights of the city at night, the jumps and cries and moments of just pure joy, peace and laughter as the shakers band cry out to God with passion, the crowd of people going to the footy screaming for their team although their just losing every match, the many sights, sounds of people of all colour and races.

Have to say. I used to miss Malaysia, or felt that I miss it a lot when I was with Nicole. But now, it seems all I mostly miss is just sitting on those shitty plastic chairs around a round crappy plastic table at Williams with Pei Biao and Eugene having a blardy huge teh-ais in hand, a very warm & oily anti-pesto that makes my heart miss a beat of every bite I take and watching Liverpool thrashing Manchester United at 2am in the morning. The heart missing a beat is not only because of Liverpool, but its but its more to do with the cholesterol in the anti-pesto having a go at my tender heart. Ha Ha. Those were good simple times.

Those times were wonderful. Malaysia is a awesome, wonderful, beautiful place. But so is Melbourne. Their different in so many beautiful aspects.

Where is Home? Where is Home? Where is Home?

Both are. Why should there be only one home?

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Uncertainties of life

This is kinda a silly question, but at the same time I wonder if it actually represents me accurately. I just hate uncertainties of life. Risk is the probability of the variable outcomes. But to some extent, at least it is plausible outcomes. Have to say, my uncertainties although I dislike them, have came out mostly all good in overall circumstances only by the grace of God.

But at the same time, it's been tiring and not really a easy smooth ride. Can I say life is good? Yeah it is. Life is and has been good to me. But uncomfortable at times. Probably you can say it's been a bed of roses with thorns inclusive. But life is not meant to be comfortable, but to continually push for the breakthrough as we step into higher realms and bigger plains.

Hee Hee. I'm really spouting nonsensical abstract crap aren't I? Maybe I'm just in the abstract mode who just loves to type without meaning, especially now that I'm at lunch break at work and eating cereal for breakfast and cereal for lunch as we ran out of bread to make a sandwhich. I gave the last bread to my sister. Just appealed to me, I should prayed have broken it in two and seeing it multiply in front of my eyes. Doh!

But yeah, to recap my life in the near future the plans that seem to be laid out for me.

1)Continue Post-Grad, and pursue my Permanent residency
2)Stay back in Malaysia and work outside
3)Stay back in Malaysia and work with my brother and dad

Options 1 and 3 are ideal. And I pray that the breakthrough would come as soon as possible by the Grace of God. I think option 1 would be the best gift for me. Though I'm getting a bit tired of studying. Heehee, but I love Melbourne, I love Planetshakers, I love all my friends here to bits.

Hence, sometimes I wish there was more certainty in my life. But in all the uncertainty that I had previously that I can say since coming to Melbourne, it's all been uphill. And I believe it would continue to be uphill from here on. Why wouldn't it? God's on my side. Hehehe.

Learning to love?

My sister asks me to read this book. I personally find it interesting, and I'll be reading it soon as long as my sister gets it from her boyfriend Dave. But this is mostly the summary of it.

That the 5 love languages are,
1) Words of affirmation
2) Quality Time
3) Receiving Gifts
4) Acts of Service
5) Physical Touch

Friday, August 10, 2007