Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Doors, Doors, Doors.

Some call it barriers, I call it doors. Just an inquisitive thought, how many doors are there to your heart? Doors deeper ina a place of access, more private information, intimacy, love less restrained.

Revelations 3:20 - Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me.

Come to think about it, I don't have too many doors, well I have a few, but not too many compared to most. Some doors are very well guarded, but overall to enter further into the deeper inner most areas of my heart, there aren't too many doors.

I guess sometimes I don't have a healthy appreciation for people with more doors or even less doors. And to the extent, whats inside those doors, how much its being given. Some people have a lot of doors, in that they are cautious, they give little by little, slowly opening up the doors to people at their own pace or at their own comfort level. Some people have very few doors, that once you open up one of their door, it just opens up to a free range.

I think I've never been a careful giver. Always abit too crazy and generous. But at the same time, I've always been careful who I give them to. I suppose I have less doors, open it up and there is a huge access to a lot. But I've been taking risks recently, opening up my doors and expected the risk to pay off. Did it? I don't know.

Though unfortunately getting people to open up their doors is never the answer. And banging on their door asking to OPEN UP, is most likely going to be faced with more barricades and defences. Even if there's a 'pretty please with sugar on top' added to the phrase. :P

Anyway, just thinking about doors, I started thinking about the pre-requisites, the requirements and the reasons why I let some have the keys or rather I open the door to them. Mostly it's to do with trust, that you give the key to the door. Some do it for money, some do it blindly, some give it because their lonely and need someone to step in.

It makes me wonder why I opened up my door to this wonderful person, when I've been holding it out for so long. I think it's to do with trust, and a degree of risk. A belief that there is something meaningful.

My doors? Starting from inside.

The innermost place, as if in the temple, is the Holiest of Holiest. The place of all submission, and all intimacy. Where my body, my heart, my knowledge, my secrets, my understanding is all yours. It is meant for two people. One is my God, and another should be my wife. The place I give my all within my possible means.

Go a bit out past the first door from the most inside, would be a place where I withhold no secrets, there is love unrestrained, there is deep intimacy, a place of unreasonable trust. And There is courtship, a place of preparation. I reserve this place for my girlfriend and maybe future children.

The second door, would probably be for like people like my family and really best friends or mentors in my life that I know they can be trusted and love me and want totally the best for me that their willing to do what they think is best for me went I turn.

The third door, would lead to the inner court, where good friends and wonderful friends surround me.

Then to fourth or outer court, friends, and further out acquaintances.

Hmmm Hmmm... Sounds abit mad? But think about it.

Just thinking, although some aren't quite applicable, but somewhat is as well,

I like this phrase Pastor Bill Johnson puts it, That "If you are cautious, all your friends will call you wise, but you'll never move any mountain."

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