Monday, November 5, 2007

The inheritance?

Just a thought when I got home.

I was remembering one of my friend saying that he needs to pay back his parents for his education. To me, was "Really?, Ouch!" Considering that he studied in Australia, that would be a very heavy payload needing to pay back his parents.

I wonder if he was lying or really telling the truth. Now, that friend isn't the most honest, and have been known to tell tall tale stories just to feel comforted and or attention seeking. As he told me that after a moment thought after I was telling him how I was working for my living expense. Plus he hasn't been one who cared about his studies, always playing away and never ever studying, hence he's been failing and repeating exams left right centre. It might just be his mom threatening to study.

Theoretically, if I had to pay my parents back for education fee's, I'll do it in Malaysia. At least I have a better hope, or if not, I'll study 2 years in Australia, attempt to do my craziest and get my PR, and then have a better chance.

Education is a crazy investment to spend on going overseas. Unless you have a goal in life, that you cannot fail. But looking at my friend, either thats the truth or he's been cracking under the pressure, which I doubt it's the case as well.


But aside from that, just thinking about the idea, it's quite sad. Needing to pay your parents back for your education. Maybe it's because I've been raised in a great loving family who only wants the best for me. Maybe it's because I'm Christian? I don't know. But to have parents who give to their children sacrificially, I know that I am not just a expensive investment. But I am truly a extremely loved child for them to go all-out.

My parents tried to give me the best, that I know. Although financial concerns got in the way. But nevertheless, for my dad willing to spend his retirement fund on me without too much thinking, it was a great gesture of love.

In a way, I have to say, I haven't been producing the results in proportionate. I think since coming to Australia, I've grown and learned to appreciate their gift. Especially now that I'm working part-time just to survive. I realized that I cannot afford to fail, and it's the best they can give, it's on my part now. It's weird, because I used to think I know this, but I never really knew, just looking back.

I wish sometimes I can relive year 1 uni again. I would have done things a lot differently. I had a lot of wrong concepts on life, and bitterness towards a lot of things. And I would have changed my study ethics a lot differently. Personally looking back, I feel really immature. Thats the strangest part.


Maybe I might want to paraphrase myself. In no way I am looking at this from a condemning point of view, but rather from a thoughtful perspective of how I could do better.

Ok, coming back to children's education. I personally don't see your child as an investment. But a continuation of my legacy. I personally believe that my parents with whatever they had, they brought me up with a lot of love and a lot of care. Although now with exposure, I wish they had done better, but it is for me to carry on what I've learned, and expand on it.

It is the inheritance of knowledge. That my dad from Kelantan, looking at his awful childhood, he grew up knewing what he knew. One thing I wish he did was paid more attention to my education though, especially since he was a brilliant student, and I'm not. As teaching your kids to learn is something I would definitely teach my kids.

Although much can be said about the above,

One thing I loved about my parents as there wasn't much illogical pressure. In that they are not reliving their dreams and hopes through us but letting us learn our own paths. Perhaps there could have been some better level of guidance, but I think thats another separate thing to think about.


I like the idea of inheritance. We are all spiritual inheritance to those who believe in Christ Jesus. But not to go there too much, inheritance, to receive something that you have not paid for.

I like what Pastor Bill Johnson says "Maturity is expensive, inheritance is free". Where your parents toil just to give us the best, we are to bring it to the next level, from the lessons learned, passed down, to bring the family, to bring the legacy into the next level.

Proverbs 13:22 - A good man leaveth an inheritance to his children's children: and the wealth of the sinner is laid up for the just.

There are many stories of generational blessings if we are bothered to study them. Some really amazing stories, like even the Bush family is one of them. From having presidents, to senators, and people of all great walks of life. And the Waltons, Hiltons, and other great families.

Inheritance. Leaving a legacy. To see your actions affecting generations down is quite a scary thought, but at the same time, also a glorious thought.

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