Tuesday, October 30, 2007


This topic keeps on popping up into my head from time to time. Maybe it's about time I write it down and give it a rest. Hehe. But then again, it is also a fascinating topic of discussion at times.

What is maturity? The dictionary puts it as
# The state or quality of being fully grown or developed.
# The state or quality of being mature.

I guess, the thing that I want to talk about is mostly the mental aspect of it, a matured person, one who is stable in all manners and walk of life. And then it kinda hits me, that I don't think there is such a thing as real maturity. Hehe.

There are full grown men, who act mature, but once they touch their 40's, they suddenly get a mid-life crisis realizing that they are not who they are, and then they go hay-wire. Maturity should be a conviction on the inside, not only simply just acting the way the world tells you to act.

I'm having some kind of issue with maturity. Partly its also because of my co-current study on the issues of the heart that I'm going through with God, to rout out and seek the issues I have in my life. And I sometimes feel like I'm getting accused, that the things that I'm doing is not mature, or nonsense, Imo it's the accuser. :P

I believe real maturity is to look at Christ. The problem is that we assume maturity in the worlds sense, and not God's sense. Jesus although he was fully mentally and spiritually stable, at the same time, he gets moved with compassion, he was a absolutely fun and amazing guy to hang out with. I don't think Jesus was a straight serious 24/7 type of man. He was serious when he needed to be, and joked and enjoy all other times. I mean, who could resist someone turning water into wine? And some of the things he said putting into the right light is hilarious, which I think he meant it that way.

Even Jesus asks us to be like Kids at times. People can argue about what Jesus meant by that, but I think as adults we need to re-learn how to have fun again. Jesus was a man full of joy. I find myself at times deathly sorrowful and melancholic, which to me, i'm finding it quite disconcerting. But yet, this is the way the world portrays as being matured.


Sometimes I wonder whether maturity is tied to wisdom. Like I said again Maturity should also be not only on the outside but also on the inside. To be able to deal with problems and issues in life.

Hmmm. Hit a note there which I probably need to think of more now. I wonder whether you can be matured and not wise. :P I don't think so. I think they are together, I think wisdom brings maturity. Maturity means the fullness of a person.

Woo... :D

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