Monday, October 8, 2007

Growth, and Progress

Yup, I realised I haven't been posting on this blog for a while now.

For some strange reason, I've been occupied with other thoughts not really related to my own general wellbeing. Mostly it's to do with my other Christian based thoughts, but even then, I haven't really been spending the time to journal my thoughts on the other blog either.

I have however, been writing them down in pointers in my little bible note-book. Have to say it's been a real blessing, even just re-reading some of the stuff I've written a couple of months back, I can see the growth throughout this time period.

Something I realise I love about being in Australia, is the move away from the stagnating person I had became. Here, everything is moving, everything is always changing, not only my personality but also in my perspective on life. Which is a good thing I suppose.

Looking Back home in Malaysia, looking at the past, I fell into the trap of arrogance. Most of my thoughts surrounded things that I felt was rather... wrong. The only thing I could take in pride was my improving Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu skills. But aside from that, I felt stagnant in terms of maturity. I had gotten sucked into the blame-game for lifes circumstances, without taking into action the destiny I had in my hands.

I guess the good thing about getting a job here in Australia, would be my self-respect and the knowing, that I am able to survive irregardless of circumstance. At first I thought It could be just Australia (God bless this nation), but Its more than that, and I've come to a realization that no matter what situation, wherever I am, I have the favor of God on my side.

Looking back, had I went anyway different in my past? honestly? Yeah, I think I would have at least lived life more. It's not really the issue of money, but its the issue of pursuing after things that matters.

But the last couple of days pondering it, I realise that there is no point looking back into the past. Even God gave me a wonderful bible verse. Joel 2:25-25. Which talks about God returning the days which the Locusts have eaten. And we shall have plenty and be satisfied and praise him.

I'm glad my time over here has been an absolute positive impact into my life. It's not over, and I hope it doesn't end soon. But even if it does come in March next year, I'm going to go out with a bang, and believe that the paths ahead of me, will only be an uphill one as irregardles of circumstance. The Big guy in the sky is on my side.

I wouldn't say I've reached a certain point in my life that I could look back and say that I am full of things I need to know. But I love it that I am growing. And not staying as I am. The knowledge of Progressing in life is satisfying.

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