Saturday, July 28, 2007

Getting gifts, presents, the lot.

Hehehe, I find it quite funny, that I'm pretty awful at getting gifts for people. Especially remembering birthdays. Now that Friendster birthday thingy is down, I've totally lost touch of when everyones birthdays. So if there's anyones birthday that passed by without me wishing. Sorreh.

I don't shop enough or spend enough time and mental power in shopping. I'm a horrible shopper. I guess i'm so guy. I go into the shopping malls just when I need to get something. If not, I don't go in at all. I don't know the brands, I don't know the shops, I don't even know materials. So if you tell me something like for example "Stellar" or "cotton-on" I can't differentiate to you whether its a bag shop, a clothes shop or even a restaurant. To me it's such a waste of time to window-shop. It might be something in me that if I want something I must have. I don't know if I'm an impulsive buyer am I? Or maybe more ill-informed buyer to be more accurate.

Sooo..... I think I should start making a conscious effort to start trying harder. I remember I went shopping with Je-Yon the other day, and he was telling me about the clothes I was looking at were girls clothes. And I was like.. "Issit?" hahahaha. Oh well. I'd just have to learn I suppose. :p

I think it's partly to do with my mom doing most of my clothes shopping. I was never interested in shopping for my clothes. I think up till until like i'm in uni my mom practically dressed me! Yeah. And even after that, I barely got myself much clothes only really went shopping when I was about to go to Melbourne because I don't have enough practical clothes for a slightly colder weather. But when I bought, it's still pretty generic, either white or black. If it's white shirt, black pants or jeans, if it's black shirt, not so black pants or jeans. Thats how it goes in my head more or less. Can't go too wrong there. But then again. Lacking creativity.

I wonder like they say that clothes represents your personality. I wonder if it just means i'm just downright boring kind of guy. I think I used to dress abit more colourful when my mom dressed me. Haha. But I prefer something more boring actually. I dunno. I guess I'm more a dress for function rather than form kind of person. Hehe.

Fashion :P never really been a part of me. Probably never will. But I'll try abit harder to do something about it. Thank God I'm a guy! Hahaha. Can get away with sloppy dressing.

Oh back to presents and gifts. Yeah. So it's somewhat correlated, that I don't know what to get people most of the time. Aih. Heheh. If it isn't clothes, it's accessories or something. I think the only thing I know good at getting people is computer games. Because I'm somewhat 'in' to whats good. Either than that, yeah... hard. Plus I don't know the brands, prices and stuff. Can always get cheated for paying for stuff more than their worth or when you can get the same thing from a cheaper stall next door. Heheh.

Must start window-shopping and get the aunty-shopping power!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I too find it really hard to remember birthdays and anniversaries. I most of the time forget to wish my friends and family and I’ve been feeling very guilty for that. But there is one website which helped me in this its> . I now remember all those dates easily without much pain, which I always used to forget.Check it out its really helpful.